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3 Ways to Optimize your Internal Communication in Remote Working

A few words quickly exchanged near the coffee machine, the video of the boss running in a loop on the organization's computer screens, the short article published by the HR department warning of a future change in mutuals... Behind this term "internal communication" there is in fact a multitude of situations, contexts and exchanges. One thing is certain: internal communication draws its strength above all from the countless interactions we have with our collaborators every day.

But 2020 and the various events that came along with it have changed the situation: remote working has spread like wildfire and getting physically to the office has become particularly tricky.

In this context, how to proceed in order to effectively optimize its internal communication? How to ensure that your internal communication remains as strong as possible because of the distance imposed by remote working? 🤔

We are here to answer this question and give you all the advice you need! The objective? To ensure that your internal communication is always as brilliant as ever, no matter how far away you are! 😎

Rituals: Maintaining collective exchanges

One of the undeniable advantages of face-to-face work is without a doubt the fact that you can ask for help at any time to your collaborators (with a few exceptions of course). This is an advantage that remote working has a hard time filling because of the distance. In telework, collective exchanges are rarer, which, in the long run, has a very negative impact on the global communication of your organization, in addition to reinforcing the feeling of loneliness that your employees may be victims of (we will come back to this later).

Establishing rituals can be an excellent way to bring collective exchanges back to the forefront. Rituals refer to organized collective moments during which all collaborators meet by videoconference. At Jamespot, we have introduced 2 daily rituals: the Hello and the Goodbye 👋. The principle of these two rituals? All team members meet in the morning and at the end of the day every weekday to exchange for about fifteen minutes. This allows the team to start and end each working day with collective moments, to talk about its current missions with its collaborators or to share some anecdotes lived during the day. Of course, you are free to adapt this format to suit your company's culture! 😉

Coffee Breaks: The Remedy for Isolation

Who has never taken a coffee break at the office? ☕ A hot coffee, an colleague with who you can exchange a few minutes... Enough to spend a pleasant moment before going back to work. Living this kind of moment in telework is a bit tricky... but fortunately not impossible!

The issue here is not so much about how to find each other (videoconferencing is clearly there for that) but more about when! In teleworking, you and your collaborators are alone in front of your desk. This can impact your mood, of course, but also and above all your habits. Where you used to propose a coffee break to your collaborators in a few minutes at the office, it is more difficult to know when to take a break when distance slips into the equation. 😥

However, taking a break is just as important in remote work as in the office. So don't hesitate to give yourself a few minutes to decompress and, even better, ask one of your colleagues to do the same. You will break the loneliness of teleworking for a few minutes and bring back to life a habit that you probably lost when working from home. At Jamespot, we have developed an application specifically for this kind of situation: the Camera application café☕ This application allows you to create a videoconference room and invite the collaborators of your choice in a few clicks. The selected collaborators will then receive a notification inviting them to join a coffee break. They will then know that you are offering them a break and not an emergency meeting 😉

Gamification: Revaluing Team Building

The advantages of gamification are as many as the forms it can take. Quizz, photo contests, badge contests... There is no limit to the ways in which gamification can be applied... as well as the reasons why it can be used. Increase customer loyalty? Improve your brand image? Encourage the use of a service? These are all objectives that can be achieved with the help of gamification. But gaming is not limited to its various purposes and can also be used to optimize the overall internal communication of the organization that uses it. 💬

Indeed, if gamification is often used in customer-related actions (in order to achieve the objectives mentioned above) it is perfectly possible to apply the same principles with your collaborators: choose what form the game will take, establish the rules, determine the rewards and the starting date to finally communicate with your collaborators and encourage as many of them as possible to take part in the party. Whether it's your customers or your employees, the same rules apply and the challenges are the same.

The whole thing is to respect the following 3 principles:

  • The game involves a maximum number of people thanks to its operation (or the promised rewards)

  • The game must be able to be played remotely (in this case, Escape Game is unfortunately not allowed).

  • It should favor collective games to encourage your collaborators to collaborate 🤝

This will only increase the number of exchanges. 😉

One Jamespot customer, for example, used gamification for internal use. This is La Sorbonne University, which has set up weekly knowledge competitions with badges to be won every weekend. The instigator of these contests, who admitted to being initially not very interested in gamification and its principles, recognized the benefits of his initiative: the number of participants is increasing every week, the contests have led to greater cooperation between members who have not hesitated to help each other to win the famous sesame and some players have even encouraged some of their peers to come and join them to participate in their turn. A great example of what gamification can bring in terms of internal communication! 👏

To conclude

We are already coming to the end of this article! We hope you enjoyed it and that these few tips will help you share more collective moments with your collaborators! If you would like to learn more about the Jamespot solution, you have two choices: you can sit comfortably in your chair and watch a personalized demonstration by us! Or you can take control and test a Jamespot platform for free for 30 days!

See you soon for a new Jamespot article! 😉📝


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